Congratulations! Valentine Super Star status is just a few clicks away--act now before time's up!
flowers die, but dancing lasts a lifetime
Learn the secrets of leading and following so dancing together is a delight, not a duel
It's nearly Valentine's Day and the pressure is on, so... how are you going to find her a pandemic perfect gift or tell him what you really want? 
* Flowers die
* Chocolate is predictable
* My sweetheart deserves a true gift from my heart
* But, Dancing and Romancing is risky...
* What if it bombs or I look like a fool?
* Or what if I disappoint my partner or step on her feet?
It's nearly Valentine's Day and the pressure is on, so how are you going to find her a pandemic perfect gift or tell him what you really want? 
* Flowers die  
* Chocolate is predictable
* Close Connection is the key
* But, Dancing and Romancing is risky
* What if it bombs or I look like a fool?
* Or what if I disappoint my partner?
It's too stressful, so you procrastinate...
settling for flowers and chocolate, again...and the disappointment sets in
there's no meaning in the "usual"
He tries to act like it was all part of his plan, while she pastes on a less-than-sincere smile...both of you feeling like something is missing.  There's a peck on the cheek and maybe a hug.  A little while later, she ends up watching a "chickflick" as she dreams about dancing in the arms of her prince...while he sits alone, wondering why the "magic" just didn't seem to materialize. 
if only they had the time and money to learn how to dance & romance
He knows she would love him to take her dancing, but it's too complicated, too expensive, and he really doesn't want to make a fool of himself on the dancefloor...or worse yet, disappoint her with his lack of dancing ability.  There isn't even anywhere to go dancing right now.  Remember the last time they tried it?...she got all dressed up and was so excited that she even giggled.  Then they took to the floor... 
within minutes, the delightful dance ended up in a devastating duel
over who should be leading...just like every other time.  That's right women, we get frustrated because we can't tell what step we should do next and we try to take over...only frustrating our men who are trying so hard to figure out what it is we want while not embarrassing themselves or feeling like a failure. What started out as connection ends up in contention--and the romantic evening you hoped for goes up in Foxtrot Flames.
It's too stressful, so you procrastinate...
settling for flowers and chocolates...again, and the fear of disappointing her sets in.
there's no meaning in giver her the "usual"
He tries to act like it was all part of his plan, while she pastes on a less-than-sincere smile...both of you feeling like something is missing. There's a peck on the cheek and maybe a hug. A little while later, she ends up watching a "chickflick" as she dreams about dancing in the arms of her prince...while he sits alone, wondering why the "magic" just didn't seem to materialize. 
He knows she would love him to take her dancing, but it's too complicated, too expensive, and he really doesn't want to make a fool of himself on the dancefloor...or worse yet, disappoint her with his lack of dancing ability. There isn't even anywhere to go dancing right now. Remember the last time they tried it?...she got all dressed up and was so excited that she even giggled. Then they took to the floor... 
over who should be leading...just like every other time. That's right women, we get frustrated because we can't tell what step we should do next and we try to take over...only frustrating our men who are trying so hard to figure out what it is we want while not embarrassing themselves or feeling like a failure. What started out as connection ends up in contention--and the romantic evening you hoped for goes up in Foxtrot Flames.
What if I told you it didn't have to end that way...that I know the secret...
...a simple system, that I compiled after over 40 years of ballroom dancing and teaching...

a system that will save you time, money, and tears...
and I love to share it with couples just like you! 

So you can feel the magic that comes from dancing the night away in the arms of your sweetheart.
Imagine how delighted she would be if after dinner, you roll up the rug, 
step into each other's arms, and in less than an hour you are happily dancing--no arguments, 
no smashed toes, just laughter and smiles! 
 You'll feel empowered and connected...and that always leads to good things!
Or better yet...Imagine spending hours dancing the night away in the arms of the one you love as you grow old'll be the couple everyone watches, smiling and wishing they could be just like you.  Together you'll "trip the light fantastic" and waltz into your dreams.  
If you’ve ever wished you could take your sweetie in your arms for a romantic spin and follow it up with the perfect kiss…without worrying about everyone watching you, then this workshop is for you.  
You too can become the master of the dancefloor 
• Practicing 
Hours & Hours
• Spending 
Hundreds of $$
• Risking 
• Fighting over the 
The "5 Secrets to Leading and Following" - a Valentine Virtual Ballroom Dance Workshop
 With a few simple tools, you'll learn how to build trust and increase meaningful connection between you and your partner so you can enjoy dancing together while you...
Discover the 5-simple secrets to leading & following like a pro...

...and learn the basics of Foxtrot so you can "trip the light fantastic"

all in less than one hour...
and in the comfort of your own home!
The special $27 price is only good through Valentine's Day. After the holiday, the price goes up and the bonus Q&A disappears. Why? Because we have limited seats available in the live Q&A. So save your spot by registering today!
Money Back guarantee
if you are not 100% satisfied.
I'm so convinced that you and your partner will find value in the "5 Secrets to Leading and Following" Valentine Workshop that I back it up with a 100% guarantee.

That's right, if you don't feel like you and your partner learned skills and tools that help you feel more connected and more confident on the dance floor together, just reach out to me and I will give you your money back. I respect and honor your time, trust, and investment. 
I know it can be hard to break away and get time to connect as couple. So, I'm giving you access to the recording of the "5 Secrets to Take the Lead". You'll be able to view it when your schedule allows, so you can relax and make the most of it!
What do we wear? How much space do we need? Do I have to buy special shoes? These questions and more will be answered in the Prep For Success packet you will receive upon registering for the ballroom workshop. 
Everyone loves to show off a bit (or more), right? Nothing says "ballroom dance superstar" like spinning your partner into a final dip. We've got you covered with a demo and tips so you and your partner can show off...safely.
While online courses are great at providing flexibility to learn, what do you do when you have questions? No worries, with your purchase you'll have access to my live Q&A session the week after Valentine's --count it as a 2 for 1 Date Night Bonus!
virtual valentine ballroom date night
Included in the package
Valentine special
One-Time Offer for Valentine's Weekend
• Unlimited access to recording of "5 Secrets to Leading and Following"
• Prep for Success Pack - Digital
• BONUS: Big Finish Tutorial!
•  Invitation to participate in the LIVE Q&A--limited number of seats available
• A Valentine gift you can enjoy for a Lifetime!
• All in the comfort and privacy of
your own home
Kim has always been a better dancer than me, so I used to worry that I would disappoint her in my dancing. We took several ballroom dance classes together in college and occasionally since then. Last year, we did a 45-minute workshop with Elizabeth. She made everything so clear and simple. Now I feel empowered as a leader. We got more out of 45-minutes with Elizabeth than we did in all our other classes. I love having an excuse to hold Kim in my arms!
- Jon & Kim
Elizabeth was one of my very first ballroom dance instructors when I attended university. She does an excellent job explaining the steps and giving techniques to make both my husband and I feel confident in our dancing. She keeps everything simple and stress-free. One of my favorite things to do is dance with my husband--he's such a great leader. We plan on enjoying this hobby for the rest of our lives!
- megan, m.a.r. productions
Elizabeth is the epitome of ballroom dance finesse. Her ability to take complex constructs and break them down to simple principles is unparalleled. Because of her help and feedback we both made a touring ballroom dance company and traveled around the world performing. Some might say her ability to transform dancers is in-"paso"-ble. Elizabeth is fun as a teacher and her help in "cha cha changing" our bad habits is direct and kind, both. We appreciate that. "Quickstep" your booty over to get lessons while the getting's good!
- chase & carly, intentional house
Kim has always been a better dancer than me, so I used to worry that I would disappoint her in my dancing. We took several ballroom dance classes together in college and occasionally since then. Last year, we did a 45-minute workshop with Elizabeth. She made everything so clear and simple. Now I feel empowered as a leader. We got more out of 45-minutes with Elizabeth than we did in all our other classes. I love having an excuse to hold Kim in my arms!
- Jon & kim
Elizabeth was one of my very first ballroom dance instructors when I attended university. She does an excellent job explaining the steps and giving techniques to make both my husband and I feel confident in our dancing. She keeps everything simple and stress-free. One of my favorite things to do is dance with my husband--he's such a great leader. We plan on enjoying this hobby for the rest of our lives!
- Megan, m.a.r. productions
Elizabeth is the epitome of ballroom dance finesse. Her ability to take complex constructs and break them down to simple principles is unparalleled. Because of her help and feedback we both made a touring ballroom dance company and traveled around the world performing. Some might say her ability to transform dancers is in-"paso"-ble. Elizabeth is fun as a teacher and her help in "cha cha changing" our bad habits is direct and kind, both. We appreciate that. "Quickstep" your booty over to get lessons while the getting's good!
- chase & carly, 
intentional house
"everyone should take this course!"
the Special Valentine Date Night Package price
disappears after the holiday
And seats for the bonus live Q&A are limited!

virtual valentine ballroom date night
Included in the package
Included in the package
Valentine special
One-Time Offer for Valentine's Weekend
• Unlimited access to recording of "5 Secrets to Leading and Following"
• Prep for Success Pack - Digital
• BONUS: Big Finish Tutorial!
•  Invitation to participate in the LIVE Q&A--limited number of seats available
• A Valentine gift you can enjoy for a Lifetime!
• All in the comfort and privacy of
your own home
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.
virtual valentine ballroom date night
Included in the package
Included in the package
Valentine special
One-Time Offer for Valentine's Weekend
• Unlimited access to recording of "5 Secrets to Leading and Following"
• Prep for Success Pack - Digital
• BONUS: Big Finish Tutorial!
•  Invitation to participate in the LIVE Q&A--limited number of seats available
• A Valentine gift you can enjoy for a Lifetime!
• All in the comfort and privacy of
your own home - All Rights Reserved - Terms & Conditions
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